PD Dr. med. Jens D. Agneskirchner
Specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery
Specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery
Specialist in anaesthesiology, special pain therapy and acupuncture
Medical Director of the Eilenriede Clinic in Hanover
Specialist in surgery and vascular surgery
Office hours in Eichstr. 2 (not in the Eilenriede Clinic!)
Specialist in surgery and vascular surgery
Office hours in Eichstr. 2 (not in the Eilenriede Clinic!)
Specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery
Specialist in anesthesia and intensive care medicine
Specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery
Specialist in urology at the MVZ on Emmichplatz
Office hours in Eichstr. 2 (not in the Eilenriede Clinic!)
Specialist in surgery, plastic and aesthetic surgery
Specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery
Specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery
Special Orthopedic Surgery
sports medicine
Specialist in ENT medicine, plastic surgery, environmental medicine
clinic manager
Specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery
Specialist in anesthesia
station manager
Deputy: Karina Driesel
Nursing Management
Medical Director, Managing Director
press and marketing
Specialist in surgery, orthopedics and accident surgery as well as accident insurance doctor
clinic management
Specialist in surgery, orthopedics and trauma surgery
Specialist in internal medicine MVZ am Emmichplatz
Office hours in Eichstr. 2 (not in the Eilenriede Clinic!)
Specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery
Specialist in ENT
Medical director for the areas of human resources, hygiene manager, hygiene management
Specialist in anesthesia
Specialist in anesthesia
Specialist in Anesthesiology
Purchasing investment and consumer goods, medical technology advice
Specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery
Specialist in Anesthesiology
Head of the accounting department, medical controlling
Deputy Patient Advocate
patient advocate
Specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery
Specialist in aesthetic and plastic surgery
Specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery
Specializing in foot and ankle
Specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery,
Special Orthopedic Surgery
Specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery
Specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery
Facharzt für Chirurgie
Facharzt für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
Zertifizierter Fußchirurg
Facharzt für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
Zertifizierter Fußchirurg
FA f. Anästhesieologie, spez. Schmerztherapie/Akkupunktur, Ärztlicher Direktor