We basically treat all patients who suffer from pain with an individual therapy concept that is specially tailored to the pain problem. We specialize in new and particularly gentle treatments, such as e.g.:

  • interdisciplinary special pain therapy with a focus on the spine
  • joint disorders and headaches
  • pain in cancer patients

Who do we treat?

Basically, we treat all patients who suffer from pain. First of all, it is of secondary importance what kind of pain it is.

However, the vast majority of our patients suffer from a chronic pain problem, i.e. one that has existed for a long time. The typical clinical picture includes, for example, headaches or complaints in the area of ​​the spine and in the musculoskeletal system. Our goal is always to create an individual therapy concept that is specially tailored to your case.

Pain therapy in the Eilenriede Clinic in Hanover

The therapeutic focus is usually on a combination of conventional medical treatment methods (e.g. nerve blocks, epidural catheters, infusion therapy) with methods of naturopathy, traditional Chinese medicine such as acupuncture, moxibustion, etc.

Before the start of pain therapy, a comprehensive history is taken with regard to previous illnesses, previous findings, previous therapy for the pain, duration, type and intensity of the pain, pain-increasing and pain-reducing situations – also taking into account the living conditions. This is followed by a detailed physical examination.

The initial consultation and examination usually last up to an hour. A pain questionnaire, which the patient can fill out at home, is usually used for systematic anamnesis.

You will also receive a so-called pain diary in which you document the intensity, type and duration of the pain over the course of the day. This often results in new diagnostic aspects. Keeping a pain diary ultimately also allows the success of successful pain therapy to be assessed.

What and how do we treat?
We treat the following diseases:

  • Headaches: including migraines, tension headaches and cluster headaches
  • Facial pain: including trigeminal neuralgia and atypical facial pain
  • Back pain: including herniated disc and cervical and lumbar spine
  • Rheumatic diseases: including Bechterew’s disease and arthrosis
  • Fibromyalgia (soft tissue rheumatism)
  • Nerve pain: including polyneuropathy and intercostal neuralgia
  • Pain in tumor diseases
  • Osteoporosis pain
  • Stump or phantom pain
  • Sudeck’s disease
  • Herpes zoster (shingles)
  • tinnitus

We work with the following therapy methods:

  • Acupuncture after certification (A and B diploma)
  • Botulinum toxin treatment
  • Epidural catheter according to Prof. Racz for herniated and protruding discs
  • Spinal catheter technique for chronic back pain
  • infusion therapy
  • nerve block
  • neural therapy
  • Spinal cord blockage
  • Drug pain therapy
  • TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)
  • Psychological care
  • Medical strength training
  • Infusion therapy for hearing loss
  • nutritional therapy
  • Blood transfusion in chronically anemic patients
  • Autologous blood donation and advice

Inpatient pain therapy

Inpatient admission is an option if you are traveling from abroad or for patients for whom outpatient pain therapy alone is no longer sufficient.The admission to our clinic lasting several days enables, if necessary, a targeted pain therapy with infiltration of the pain-causing regions under X-ray image converters in the operating room.

In this case, medication is administered close to the spine under visual control so that the regions where the pain develops are eliminated.
This technique according to Prof. Racz is used successfully for acute and unbearably severe pain caused by a bulging or herniated disc.

This therapy is supplemented by non-invasive treatment techniques in the sense of infusion treatments, electrotherapy, physiotherapy, back training and muscle building exercises.